Monday, 25 June 2007

Morning all

It's monday morning - break time for me at school so i have a few minutes to post the message.
I didn't see mark this weekend but did manage to speak to him briefly. it didn't seem appropriate for me to ask him how he was - that just seemed like a daft question! we talked for a minute or two and things seemed much the same - still waiting for test results etc. will keep blogging - if thats what its called!


Unknown said...


We think of you and your gorgeous family throughout each day. We know Jesus is holding you and is your strength. We pray for a diagnosis and a full and speedy recovery. We love you very much. Big hugs and kisses, Tora and Chris

Anonymous said...


I have now gathered a further 56 photos to add to our "Italia 07 Holiday Powerpoint presentation" making it a whopping 906 images strong!! See you for the preview soon!