Thursday, 21 June 2007

... thursday update...

busy day yesterday so didn't speak to ruthie though through texts during the day, things seem to improving. mark did send me a text himself... i include in brief "...i'm feeling almost normal now thank Jesus!"
this is good news and certainly progress... but one day at a time.


Anonymous said...

Dear Markee,
Just a wee note to say that we are thinking of you and praying - and keep going in the battle. Bodies are wonderful things- but I realise it can be so tiring - ata boy!

Ruth and Tim thanks also for the updates. It is good to know what is going on so we can pray/ worry/delight without thinking that we are badgering.

Big hug to the whole family. lol Meg and Steve

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark, good to hear that you are finally getting to come home soon.

I've just got home after seeing the utterly superb work you and Alan have done this year at Beaufort's Art Exhibition. I'm stunned by the sustained quality in both the Art and Photography work.

I want to communicate a warm glow of satisfaction for you to feel when you read this! Awesome work.

I've selected a good number of samples as exemplar material to go off to the exam board. See you soon, love Tony

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased to hear that things are getting better and I have been thinking about you alot.
Sun Run at Beaufort tomorrow morning! I am not expecting you to be their at 6.30am tomorrow but have booked you in for next year. I understand that after all you have been through you might be a bit slower than me but that is no change on the norm! I'll wait as usual.
Really looking forward to seeing you soon.