Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Back From Hospital

A quick update -

Many of you will know that Mark was re-admitted to hospital yesterday with chest pains. It turned out that the pericarditis had returned. Fortunately there was no fluid build up as it was the early stages, just inflamed pericardiums. This was perhaps a blessing in disguise as it has resulted in him seeing many of the consultants we have been fighting to get appointments with over the past 2 weeks and in being treated with steroids. We still wait for a confirmed diagnosis, but the treatment given is for Adult Onset Still's Disease - so we're half-way there at least!

He is home again and carrying on as if nothing had happened! A 24 hour visit this time thank goodness!

Will post more details as and when we know them. For now, much love to you all.

Ruth x


Unknown said...

Hi Mark

Glad to hear it was only a short return back to hospital and that it has at least kick-started them into getting you on the right treatment.

It's sounding like a long, hard slog, but we're thinking about you all the time and willing you to get better.

Lots of love, Abi and Rich xxx

Andrea said...

Glad to hear it was only a short stay. Hoping you are feeling a bit better. Despite regular contact this is still a good way to keep updated. See you soon, love Andy, Rob and Bethany xxx

Jessica said...

Just make sure you don't compete in any olympic events while on those steroids, Markio!

The main thing is that you have got an idea of what is causing all this, and that must be slightly more reassuring than not knowing(I hope?).

We are still checking the blog and thinking about you loads. Keep fighting and I hope to see you soon.
lots of love
Jessica et famille

themakowers said...

Hey Mark

Glad you managed to make a quick getaway this time around!

Also pleased that this little flurry of activity has served to speed things along a bit.

Thinking of and praying for you all as ever

Love W E B & T x

Anonymous said...

Bit random but I was thinking about you today walking home. I remembered the last conversation I had with you, when I was asking you to sign my yearbook and you said "You've got weeks left of school yet!! I promise I'll sign it sometime" (A massive overstatement) and then eventually because I bugged you so much said you might sign it tomorrow. AND THEN I LEFT SCHOOL AND YOU GOT ILL! Good one Mr B, as you said in the recording I still have on my Mp3 player "I am never wrong".
Yeahhhh suuuure you're not! :P
It's a shame the only teacher that annoyed me enough to actually push myself in my work didn't get to write a rude, stubborn note in my yearbook! What am I going to do at St. Peter's without you to irrita- I mean motivate me?
God Bless, and keep on being stubborn!
"If they give you lined paper, write in the other direction" Juan Ramon Jimenez

Anonymous said...

hey mark,
it's Abi Rowden here. long time eh. just came accross this blog and wanted to know if you have an email address that i can contact you on. sorry to hear that you're sick and i hope that you get better soon so you can get back to your old self.. anyway, if you want to write

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark, Abi Guy let me know about your blog and current health situation. Keep going strong bro! I was reading through the posts and remembering all the fun times we had in Bolivia. Hitting that dog in chillimarca on your 100 year-old Jawa motorcycle, or having to push the thing up the hill to the Christo. You having to clean up all kinds of grossness after we had a fight with the girls in the bathroom on the prom trip. There are many others but most aren't internet safe. =) Praying for you bro, keep in touch. Ardin