Saturday, 23 June 2007

Bout Time I Wrote!

I'm really not at all sure if I am doing this correctly!! Some ICT teacher I hear you all saying - well we'll see!

I thought it about time I wrote something and as I'm sure you'll all understand, have found it tricky finding time of late! Firstly though, I would like to thank everyone SO much for taking the time to read this blog and offer words of encouragement and love to Mark - always the emotional man, I can confirm they have brought tears to his eyes on more than one occasion. Seriously though - thank you to each and everyone of you. Thank you too to Tim Buckler for coming up with this idea and painstakingly updating the blog everyday to keep people informed - I hope you know what a difference it has made Neehow - You're fab!

Life in the Buckler world continues to be unpredictable! As you will have read on a previous post, we had another scare on Thursday morning resulting in an emergency operation to remove a build up of fluid restricting Mark's heart. Throughout the ordeal though I am proud to say Mark remained calm and almost cheerful at times! I think that might have been the morphine kicking in though! After having over 950ml of fluid drained from around his heart, he is now stable and in the Coronary Care Unit being observed. He is feeling very tired (as one would expect), but continues to exhibit strength and optimism - how he does it is beyond me. What a man I married! I couldn't be prouder.

I hope and pray that soon we shall be able to post a message saying that he is returning home and fully on the road to recovery. At present, I ask for your prayers for a diagnosis/recovery and continued words of support.

Once again, thank you soo much to all of you x

P.S. I have NEVER seen so many cards!!! Thank you!


Jessica said...

Not just him, Ruth, you are doing a FANTASTIC job at not falling apart in your rushing between the boys and the hospital (and if you are still working, which I sincerely hope you aren't, it is a miracle you haven't gone insane).

I have no doubt that Mark is also thinking (and probably saying, if I know him): "What an amazing woman I have married!" as you juggle all of this.

I really hope your house isn't clean or I will wonder if you are actually human.

Keep at it, girlfriend!
lots of love
Jessica xxx

Anonymous said...

The Blog system is very strange to us but we will have a go as a means of keeping in touch. The trouble is we will not know if it never reaches you (that's bad - double negative!)
You know you are both in our thoughts and prayers and we miss seeing you. It would be nice to be able to encourage you. We are so proud of you, Markee you are a wonderful example and so courageous - keep it up!
We look forward to the time when you would like to see us again.
Till then and after, we send our love, God bless you , both.
M & D

Anonymous said...

Hi Markie and Ruth.
It is sunday tea time and just to delay cooking tea (well, wash the salad really and wonder what to put with it) I have nicked my sons (who just happens to be called Markie)laptop off him to let you know i have been thinking of you all.
It was fantastic that you managed to phone work on definatley lifted us all. I hope you do get to go home on monday as you hope for...I am sure the days seem very long for you both..
Hopefully the weather will pick up and you will be able to sit in the garden and watch the boys play.
The art work and textiles were stunning, i know you will get great feed back...
Ok just to finish with a little puzzle to think about....
What cannot be seen but only heard, and will not speak unless it is spoken to? Hope ruth has read this to you so she can hide the is an echo...
take care love helen (at work) xx

Anonymous said...

Did you hear Gordon Brown's speech? I listened in on my shortwave radio to parts of his speech, he talked about the values that have driven his life and how these convictions have driven him into politics; it reminded me that our lives need to be driven by a different set of kingdom values.

The world seems a upside down kind of place, in India this is made all the more apparant by the incredible inequalities and contrasts that we see, and the way that so many people seem to accept their lot in life. Do you know that the richest man in India is building himself a 27 story appartment block in the most prestigious suberbs of Mumbai to host his 7 person family and his 600 staff, whilst more than 5 million residents of Mumbai openly defecate each day....... India is incedible in so many different ways and there is much that Indians can and should be proud of, but I have found the most difficult thing to cope with here has been the incredible inequality here between rich and poor, high caste and low caste and the paucity (though not complete lack) of people who care about it at all. Also the people at the bottom of the pile, by their culture, religion and experience find it hard to expect, and therefore completely foreign to them to demand, anything better, so very often I feel totally hopeless to help and wonder how I can change things.

Of course it is always easy to look at others and point the finger, but in our own country and society we can see huge inequalities and poverty. the question is are we driven by values which accept this or by the kingdom values which challenge this.

But I was reminded the other day that you sometimes don’t notice the beauty because you focus so much on the difficulties; there are a great number of crows and the occasional pigeon that live in the trees around the house here so any squawking I attribute to them and don’t look up in the trees but I learnt recently that a flock of parrots with all their beautiful colours visit the trees just outside our house every day around 430pm and I had never noticed them. Now I can remind myself to look for the beauty as well as the hardship in this amazingly challenging country.

Markie we continue to think and pray for you and your family at this time we trust that despite the difficulties you will still be enjoying the beauty of the world around you

Anonymous said...

Mark & Ruth
Not sure what to say really so i'll keep it short(ish) and sweet(ish).

It doesn't seem that long since i saw you, and all was fine and dandy (i have evidence by way of a photo of the Buckler brothers throwing their 'shapes' around at our wedding party).

Having spoke to Ruth just before we left for our trip to Italy, i was left stunned by what has happend but so delighted by Ruth's strength and courage.

We spoke about possibliy coming down to see you this weekend and i am currently preparing an 850 photo PowerPoint presentation of our recent trip. So please get some rest and get better, you'll need to drum up as much energy to get through it. There will be a quiz at the end too, to make sure you were both paying attention.

See you all very soon

Rich & Abi

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, you are still all at the forefront of our thoughts & prayers, this blog is a great means to keep updated & prevents Ruth getting unnecessary time away from her precious family, loadsa love to you all, we continue to pray for a much needed solution to this situation, bless ya the Keepers.